Saturday, September 4, 2010

New York state vs NY Indian tribes cigarette tax showdown

And I know what side I'm rooting for. You might as well say this battle has gone to overtime, now that it's being heard in a state appellate court, BOTH the federal court and a state appellate court have imposed temporary injunctions on NY state collecting their insane $4.35 per pack state cigarette tax on Indian Reservations, and the stupid ACS is supposedly asking the judge if they can(yawn, so typical of health fascists) file an amicus brief in favor of the state violating the sovereignty of Native tribes. This story continues to get crazier, every time I find new articles on it. And of course in the end, there's only one guy we can blame for starting this madness(Gov. Paterson, who started this crap in the first place by wanting to laughably force NY's tribes to collect this excessive $1.60 cig tax increase from $2.75 to $4.35, along with forcing it unnecessarily on all convenience stores). Bet it is only a matter of time before tons of non-Indian convenience stores start to close down, and at least they will near Indian-owned stores and/or Reservations, and near state borders.

Also apologies that I've had so little time to post the past few weeks, I've been in the middle of starting a new temp job. Hopefully when it ends in the fall, I may have slightly more time to update this blog. We'll see, crossing fingers!

Now some articles on this story: (ACS should really mind their own business, and stay out of this case) (NY state appellate court imposing injunction, expanding Judge Arcara's limited injunction to all NY tribes) (federal court injunction when Judge Arcara only issued an injunction against NY state collecting the tax at Seneca and Cayuga tribal stores, article 1) (federal court injunction, article 2) (this was published just over a month into NY state's July 1st $1.60 cig tax increase from $2.75 to $4.35, but before NY state was supposed to start enforcing collecting the state tax on Indian Reservations as of September 1st, only to see an appellate court issue an injunction against NY state doing this)

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